

Productive self-starter with eight years of experience developing brands and maintaining Wordpress websites for companies in creative services. A proven leader ready to apply skills and experiences towards a new company.


6 years

of brand and design management

Extensive experience with Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator

4 years

of direct customer service and education,

Strong working knowledge of Adobe Premiere CC and Audition CC


Work Experiences


Chesapeake Photo Company - Newark, DE

Owner / Photographer
January 2019 - Current

  • Engage directly with realtors and office managers to market company

  • Position brand and developed company language to emphasize dedication
    to client success

Gulf Breezes Photography

Owner / Photographer
January 2015 to January 2019

  • Implemented new marketing strategy emphasizing trust, time savings
    and personal attention for realtors and properties

  • Doubled the average number of properties photographed to 275 per year

  • Worked with realtors and their clients to prepare properties for photographs

  • Photographed properties to deliver photos with a natural feel and perspective

  • Managed a clear and competitive brand

    Brand and Web Manager
    June 2012 to January 2015

  • Designed brand image and language of Gulf Breezes Photography

  • Continually maintained WordPress website and brand

Drew University Athletics
Sports Photographer
September 2013 to April 2014

  • Photographed assigned collegiate games and matches

  • Edited photos for use on the web and in print

The Acorn (Drew University Student Newspaper)
April 2012 - April 2013

  • Grew newspaper staff to over 40 volunteers

  • Managed staff of editors, writers, photographers and artist to publish weekly paper

  • Educated new volunteers on newspaper design and journalism

Robinson Brand Builders
Design Internship
Summer 2011

  • Completed assigned design projects including a plant guide for Sunken Gardens, a local botanical garden.

Meridian Research
Freelance Graphic Designer
August 2009 - June 2010

  • Created clinical trial advertisements for print in newspapers and table tents

  • Assured compliance with clinical trial advertisement regulations

B.A. Political Science – Drew University
Class of 2014